Premier security provider in Bloemfontein
051 447 0911
"Defensor Security offers integrated security solutions with excellent customer service"
Operational Hours: 24/7
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM
"Defensor Security offers integrated security solutions with excellent customer service"
Sure, there are many other security systems and CCTV installers in the city. However, we often tell
clients that a big part of how effective a CCTV system is at capturing the entry of an intruder is its
reliability and correct installation. Having said that, here are a few reasons why Defensor Security
continues to be the service of choice for many businesses and individuals in South Africa:
Defensor is registered with the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA), the South African Intruder Detection Services Association (SAIDSA), the South African National Security Employers Association (SANSEA), as well as (SASA) the South African Security Association.